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Module 1: Theoretical Foundations

Theory and Practice
KWL Chart
Learning Reflection

A KWL chart.. the perfect way to start up a new lesson in the classroom and a great way to stir up my thoughts and goals for a new journey in education. 


Teaching ELL students is becoming more of an everyday experience in the classroom and as a proud lifelong learner I think it is critical that I continue to expand my knowledge and ability to teach all students with efficiency. 


Although many more questions will arise these were my initial thoughts beginning Teaching English Langiuage Learners!

Capacity Building Series
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Capacity Building Series

I enjoy reading and learning and sharing my learning and this activity was perfect opportunity to do this! Not only was I able to share what I read and thought but also was able to get feedback, ideas and even suggestions for classroom practices! This makes me feel like this course is already starting to pay off thanks to awesome and interactive peers!

Module 2: Preparing for ELL's

STEPs Process
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STEPs Process  

The STEPs process was an interesting perspective to take when looking at initial assessment and moving forward. I thought making a graphic organizer was a way to organize the information and my thoughts and keep them stored in an easily accessible way. I will refer back to this in the future for particular questioning strategies to utilize. 

School Welcoming Survey 
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I believe if the survey I created was used in schools, us as teachers could voice our opinions and actions could be taken to benefit our ELL students. To create a warm, inclusive and welcoming school it is key for effective communication. As a school, teachers and administration should work together to create a welcoming atmosphere by breaking down the walls and creating a collaborative learning community!

Module 3: Developing Social and Academic Oral Skills


A great way to assess students comprehension of a lesson is through an exit ticket. This exit ticket describes my previous knowledge and new learning of the underlying theories of “Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills” and “Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency”. There are two example shared that I use regualrly in my classrooms that support both BICS and CALPS development for ELL students in fun and engaging ways! 

Inquiry Project: Active Listeners
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Inquiry Project: Active Listeners

Inquiry allows us to expand our passion and knowledge and that is what this assignment led me to. 

Module 4: Literacy Development and Engagement

L2 Literacy Development
Tips for Developing the Literacy Skills
L2 Literacy Development

Tips for developing literacy skills were researched, including theories and strategies. This real world learning was valuable for my literacy class in particular.

L2 Writing Instruction

Key information based on readings, theory and experience created this informative lesson and learning. 

Module 5: Building Competence and Confidence

Intercultural Competence 
Intercultural Competencies in the Classr
Intercultural Competence 

Inquiry to develop my passion and learning to enhance my ELL learning in the classroom. 

Experiential Learning
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Experiential Learning

A great way to complete the course by getting a well rounded interview that connected to all aspects of the course. 

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